Karma exists. Now, it may be misinterpreted in a negative context but there is positive karma as well. I will no longer be gaslighted, manipulated, or played with. I want my freedom back. With this being said, I will let karma do what it has to do. I will not fuel it in anyway. I wanted to put this up here to show proof that my experiences are real. I hope to give someone a voice to speak up if they have endured any pain. I send my love to all who need care/understanding.
My purpose is to give a voice to those who are not able to speak up. Those who have wronged you, will not win. You will receive justice in one way or another. Sometimes you have to be patient and take action(: I truly love and care for all who have been mistreated. You are seen and heard.
In order to move forward, I have realized that I must sacrifice my family. I have learned that family isn't always blood but people who support you, care for/about you, look after you, believe you, and LOVE you. I have friends who have done/showed me things my family never could. So to my family of friends, I thank you! To everyone who has helped me, thank you. When I become abundant in every area of my life, you will be blessed(: Until then, please be patient...things don't manifest overnight!
My grandma gaslighting me into thinking I'm depressed when I clearly have videos of her/my grandpa going in my room, invading my privacy, and taking my oranges/quarters
Medication I was prescribed that I did not need on a misdiagnosis, I endured this for a year
This made me think of finding my old phone I had saved and taking action, there is indeed audio, it was the phone I sent this video with that had tech therapist confirmed there was audio as I walked in her office afterwards
What happens if someone takes this phone off of you? Survival Mode
Trying my best to be respectable/kind as possible but speaking up for myself as well
Incomplete email sent to me so I couldn't contact my cousin to wish her a Happy Birthday
I'm not stupid
My cousin was in the living room before I left, I wanted to be respectful and not make too much noise. My grandma wasn't up so I left this on the kitchen table.
There is a way banks can change transactions or in this case, "allow you access" to "change" them yourself
Receptionist handed me dirty sheets
Notice how my therapist doesn't spell her notes correctly to make my experiences seem unreal, manipulates my wording to make me sound "crazy"..... now that she has had contact with my family who (shown on this website) lies about me.
Notice when I have evidence of my experiences, it is recorded semi correctly. It certainly makes me acknowledge that even with a video showing my involuntary eye movements... it is deemed unreal. Shown that I should continue with a "treatment plan"
Here ya go!