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Nail Art

Paratransit/RTA Harrassment 

Here's my story. Many of you have seen me going to bus stops back in my home state of Ohio. Wondering why I traveled on them frequently. I'll tell you everything....


It all started when I started using Paratransit. It's a service that helps people with physical or mental disabilities travel for a reasonable price. I was very grateful for all they did. However, I did pay attention to the details. I saw that Paratransit would pick me up extremely late or would display blatant rudeness to me. They would play with my emotions and do things that didn't logically make sense. They would pick me up from the house I was living in first, go across town to pick someone else up, and come all the back to the town where I needed to get dropped off at.


It wasn't until February 2023 that I got dropped off in front of my grandma's house at a late hour when I realized I could not be treated like this any longer. I got dropped off in front of my grandma's house but not in front of her driveway. It was during the winter and I asked if I could get dropped off in front of the driveway. It would be the polite thing to do of course. The driver was very rude and smart. She went off camera and responded "I don't give a fuck!" That hurt me. I eventually went inside. How could someone not know that dropping off someone in front of the driveway is the most respectfully thing to do? I can understand if it was your first day or you're still learning but....?


That was the night where I went into the room I was staying in. I cried covering my mouth in agonizing pain. Knowing that not only is my family disrespecting me but Paratransit......


That was the day I decided things had to change and that I had to go my own way. 


When I started taking the RTA system, things got worse. The bus wouldn't come all the time. If I was alone sometimes it wouldn't come at all. When I would get on the bus, sometimes the camera wouldn't be turned on. Noticing the detail of a nonexistent green light.


I've had drivers be incredibly rude to me and lie about bus times/etc. 


It got to the point where I would be tired from working or taking care of business that I would dose off on the bus. Coming in and out of sleep. The driver would speed up and drive recklessly. Stopping very abruptly while the bus would force my body to jerk me forward into a pole. This did not happen once, but multiple times. 


I have had a man pull down his pants and forcefully masturbate in front of me. Of course, I did the most appropriate thing. I saw it, did not react, walked to the front of the bus, and got off. 


While traveling the Redline on RTA, there was one day where one lady claimed I was "following" her. However, I said....."maybe you need some help? Some psychiatry help?" Remembering when I expressed this and no one believed me. So I took it in my own hands to give logical advice to someone who needed it. No one is following's all in your head. I really hope she got the help she needed. 


However, it is valid that women are a target. Especially in Cleveland, Ohio where it is the most human trafficked city. So it actually IS completely valid to have that worry/fear. Men do not understand the struggles we go through as women. Thinking women are paranoid for walking late at night and that there aren't people who kidnap women/human traffic them. I am looking at the other side of things too. Men can get taken/abused. So I guess it is a HUMAN issue. 


Also riding the Redline, I have had buses see me, continue to move forward, and out of my  personal will power......I have had to step in front of the bus, I would ask "Can you open the door?" They denied.I had to scream "OPEN THE DOOR!" and place my things on the bus. It kind of felt like a Rosa Parks moment.....I knew that I was not moving from in front of that bus. One, they can hit me and I get money for all of the hurt they have caused me. Two, they can wake for others to come so I can show them that they ignored me on camera or by witnesses. Three, they could OPEN THE DOOR. I had a right to be on that bus just like everyone else. 


I have been to one of the RTA customer service centers where they were completely closed. When I knocked on the glass to get change for a large bill, they said they were closed. It didn't make sense that there are people who need to get from place to place and you're closed? Not just for a few minutes for a few hours but everything I come? The lady behind the glass/desk decided to state that I had an attitude....I have an attitude for speaking up for the people? I have an attitude because you're not listening to feedback from a fellow rider? I gave her the money and she looked at it as if it was fake. There are many ways to tell if money is fake. The numbers on the bill, using a marker, and etc. I said it's not fake (it was real) and she got mad. Like I would give out fake money....jeopardizing my life to go to jail?????


So I went to the next window. She was more reasonable and said I could go upstairs to break the bill at the store. I simply asked, what store? She did not specify what store. It's just a question. Some places do not break big bills and I needed to get somewhere.


I promised the human traffic survivor that gave me that money from the kindness of her heart that I would use it for bus fare. The lady in the window was rude as well. They both shut me out. At the time I had water in my hand. (I told ya'll I will be I will.) I had a cup of water in my hand and saw that both the windows were closed. I was smart enough to know that the water would not hit anyone. I threw the water at the wall/window. Yes, I was frustrated but you have to understand that with all the rudeness and mind games I have endured from emotions boiled to the surface. I am honest, I don't hit people and I'm not violent. I used my anger to splash water at a surface. 


On the bright side, I learned from this moment. I learned that you have to work through your emotions which is why I meditate and do yoga. 


People only want to see what they want. Not everyone knows the whole story and my motto is: If you don't know, if you have skepticism....ASK. Just ask the person. You cannot let everything you see be the determining factor. 


There are evil people in this world but  VERY BEAUTIFUL people as well. Some people base their actions off of envy, jealousy, or bitterness. From others and on themselves. 


I have been to RTA stations without an emergency call button in case something happens. What if something happens? There are women out here that are traveling and you cannot provide an emergency call button? 


I have been on the Blue Line and told  incorrect info on when the last train was. Came back to only find out there are no more trains that night. Leaving my stranded. 


I contacted Ohio Disabilities and advocated for myself. Telling them my experiences. They completely felt for me. They did say that unfortunately Paratransit/RTA has disrespected people with disabilities for more than 10 years. HOW IS THIS COMPANY STILL GETTING AWAY WITH THIS? FOR 10 YEARS? Taking advantage of people with physical and mental disabilities for 10 years???? In this moment, I knew.....things have to change. The system? HAS TO CHANGE. 


The best part? You wanna know what the best part is? I bet NONE of my experiences that these people have done to me are recorded. As I stated earlier......the green light is RARELY on. Possibly never on....


People don't realize that I reciprocate energy. Since RTA has treated me awful that's when I fight back. You can't beat the oppressors by being silent. You can't beat that bully until you stand up for yourself.

I'm not a mean person and I don't do hateful things for no reason. Someone doesn't act the way they do unless they give you a reason. These are my reasons.....



Nail Art

People Experiences 

Here are my experiences from others on the Cleveland bussing system: I have had grown ass men flirt with me and ask me personal questions. I have had men masturbate (as told stated above) in front of me. I have had others cut my bags open on the bus. I have had others stare at me. When I say this makes me uncomfortable....they would look the other way for a second and look back at me again. I have had others touch me (not down there lol) but touch me without my permission on the shoulder/arm. I have had women look at me with such hatred and I have had others judge the FUCK out of me. Not knowing what this company has done to me. 


You wanna know why I keep going? I have the WILL to positively change the world. I wanna be the next Rosa Parks. I want to change history. I want to be that person that gives back to the community. It is UNFAIR how I am actually not the only one who have had experiences like this. 


What people don't know is that the more and more I get treated like this? The more determined I am to tell/show the world  and BE that change. 


The hatred and evilness will not win and it's LOVE that conquers all. People have to realize that you cannot manipulate everything. What happens in life will happen based on your actions/thoughts. If it's meant for you, it will happen. 


I truly LOVE you all(: I hope you take this and start to be the change you WANT to see in this world. 


Natalie Novakovic


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